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How to ensure that the standard weight test is not too frequent or insufficient?

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I believe that everyone will have experiment classes when they are young, especially in chemistry experiments. We will all use balances. We use standard weights to weigh the objects on the other side of the balance to carry out the next step of the experiment. Then, when using balances and standard weights in the laboratory, how to ensure that the standard weight tests are not too frequent or insufficient?

It may take a lot of time and energy to perform daily tests on a laboratory balance at multiple points within the operating range, and may not even provide any meaningful measurement information.

It is recommended that the frequency of daily testing of any standard weight depends on the risks and consequences of inaccurate results to the business and/or the health risks and the ability to trace errors.

The risk of inaccurate results can be assessed by answering the following questions:

Business impact: the impact of incorrect or inaccurate weighing results on the business process. Consider material and time loss, overruns, rework, suspension of production, fines, product recalls, customer dissatisfaction, loss of reputation, etc.

Impact on consumers: The impact of incorrect or inaccurate weighing results on people, animals or the environment.

Detection probability: Is there an opportunity to detect incorrect or inaccurate weighing results immediately and easily?

In the guide, discover the elements that are truly indispensable for laboratory standard weight testing, and get tips on designing a reasonable test frequency.

Test methods, warnings and control limits

Routine testing may include sensitivity, repeatability, and four-corner error testing using calibrated suitable test weights. Tolerance or warning and control limits depend on the weighing tolerance of the relevant process. The warning limit indicates when the equipment is approaching an out-of-tolerance condition. When the equipment is no longer suitable for use, the control limit will issue a warning.

Routine testing of laboratory balances during the planned calibration interval helps to ensure early detection of non-compliance with the weighing process requirements, so that corrective actions can be taken in time to maintain accuracy.

Standard weights need to be checked regularly and maintenance work is done well. The verification period of standard weights is generally one year. One year after the purchase of weights, it needs to be sent to the professional measurement department for verification. The storage of weights is very particular, and they need to be stored in a dry place, in a room with no drastic changes in temperature, and no corrosive gases. In addition, keep the surface of the weight clean and wipe it regularly with a clean silk cloth. If there is dust and dirt on the surface of the weight during verification, it needs to be cleaned and sent to the relevant department for calibration.

As a high-degree calibration tool, the use and maintenance of standard weights are very important. If bumps or stains affect the weight of the weights, this situation will shorten the life of the weights and increase the accuracy of the weights. Affected, it needs to be checked and calibrated immediately.

Before you use standard weights in the laboratory, you need to know more about the use specifications of the weights. When you use them, you can use them correctly and standardly, which can not only ensure the accuracy of the weighing results, but also effectively protect the weights. Life can be extended. 

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